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Hyello! I'm a freelancer artist and model. I make both digital drawing as well as 3D renders and models, as well as selling pics. I'm most know in the size and feet community, though I have done plenty sfw projects in the past and I'm planning more in the future.

I updated my page here so it's not just a store anymore. It's a full on hub of links, news, as well as possibly opening to memberships in the future.


You can tip me or send me donations through Throne. Select any of the community gifts and contribute to it. You can also suggest your own gift ideas. It is thanks to your donations that I can grow as a content creator!

Participate in sizefest

Sizefest is a European community for people interested in macrophilia. We focus on connecting one another, incentivize meet-ups between our users, and create moments and events we can all participate to~